No Justice/No Peace?🤔

Warning: (This blog may be very unpopular and not what people want to hear, but I believe it needs to be said.)
I have been very vocal about my disapproval of the murder of George Floyd. Let me repeat that it was horrible, and there needs to be police reform. But, I believe we need justice for the individuals who were murdered in the riots. This story has gone on the back burner. Those rioters should face the same fate as Derek Chauvin and the other three police officers. This is unbiased, unprejudiced justice. Justice cannot be partial. Whether white or black, civilian or law enforcement, male or female, everyone should be able to be judged fairly.
I’m also afraid right now that people are assuming others to be guilty before being proven innocent. I believe every individual should be given the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. Derek Chauvin was proven guilty through the video, but most police officers are not Derek Chauvin. I’m seeing a dangerous trend that “handcuffs” police officers. I saw a police officer (through video) being assaulted by rioters, and he did absolutely nothing. Stores are being looted and burned, and police are doing nothing because they are told to stand down. Is this what we want? Do we want the police officers to do nothing? We shouldn’t let the atrocity of four men dictate our thinking on the police force as a whole.

I’m for all the peaceful protests where people are protesting racial injustice, but I believe more people need to openly condemn the shooting and assaulting of police officers and civilians like David Dorn. When our officers are being hurt, it hurts us, and justice cannot be rightfully reached. I counter there is no justice without peace.

Jeff McLeod

Co-founder of 76 Seconds or Less

Lover of God, family, friends, America, & Sports—in that order


The Cycle of Misery

