Should Safety Replace Liberty? 🇺🇸 (Part 3)

Silent…Powerless…Non-Existent…These are the words that describe an authoritarian form of government. These are the words that will describe us if we don’t stay active and engaged in our government. During this crisis, we must pay attention. Our founding fathers were aware of the events of their day. They knew when laws were passed. They knew they had no representation in Parliament, and they chose to fight the injustice. As a result, the United States was born.

Today, most Americans are ignorant. The Constitution of the United States means absolutely nothing to your average American. As a result, inherited freedom can be taken away when a difficult situation or circumstance arises. Millions of Americans are afraid to leave their houses. They are afraid to go to work all because of a virus. This fearful or uneducated group is trading their freedom for temporary safety, and, in the process, they have caused their freedom to be only temporary. 🤔
You must ask yourselves a few questions. Is freedom only reserved for the pleasant times? Is freedom only temporary? My answer to both of these questions is a resounding NO! If freedom is only temporary, you are neither free or safe. As Patrick Henry said, “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery.” I hope we can say with him, “Forbid it All Mighty God!” 🙌
The vast majority of people today are shortsighted. They don’t think about the next generation. What we do today impacts our tomorrow. What we do today sets a precedent for the future. I want to be able to experience the same America my parents experienced, and likewise, I want my future children to experience the America I have known and loved. This is OUR time in history. This is our book—our chapter. We cannot let safety replace liberty.

Be informed. Be aware. Be FREE.

Be informed. Be aware. Be FREE.

Jeff McLeod

Co-founder of 76 Seconds or Less

Lover of God, family, friends, America, & Sports—in that order


Memorial Day: Remember and Honor?


Should Safety Replace Liberty? 🇺🇸 (Part 2)