Should Safety Replace Liberty? 🇺🇸 (Part 2)

Two hundred and fifty years after the Boston Massacre, a different crisis is raging. This crisis is not a war waged with swords or guns, nor a war of words, but rather a war of ideologies. One side believes that shutting down non-essential businesses is the best way to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The other group believes that the results of an economic shut down will cause economic problems for years as well as loss of lives down the road. Studies show that, during times of economic crisis, suicide increases. Finances directly impact people. The problem is not different ideologies. The problem is government control.

When a governor or any leader can directly violate the laws of the land through an executive order, there is a problem. I don’t care if it is during war, a depression, or a virus; oftentimes, dictators rise to power in difficult times. Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany fifteen years after World War I. Germany was going through a recession caused by the Treaty of Versailles. Little by little, Hitler whittled the freedom of Germans away until everyone who disagreed with him was either killed or sent off to a concentration camp. “Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.” - Martin Niemoller

Just because we live in America does not mean we are exempt from having our freedoms permanently taken away from us. During this virus, many governors and leaders have directly violated the Constitution and the oaths they swore when they took office. When a governor states that the Bill of Rights “is above his pay grade,” there is a serious problem. 😬 If the Bill of Rights is not being considered, I beg to ask, “Who makes the laws? Who enforces the laws? What are the laws?” 🤔 Simply put, the law is the words of man that can change one season to the next. We need to stand for our Bill of Rights. We need to stand for our Constitution. WE MUST STAND! We must hold our leaders accountable. Should safety replace liberty? 🗽

Stay tuned for part 3!

Stay tuned for part 3!

Jeff McLeod

Co-founder of 76 Seconds or Less

Lover of God, family, friends, America, & Sports—in that order


Should Safety Replace Liberty? 🇺🇸 (Part 3)


Should Safety Replace Liberty? 🇺🇸 (Part 1)